Satta Matka | Matka | Satta | Dpboss | Kalyan Matka | Fix game | Satta matka

Satta Matka | Matka | Satta | Dpboss | Kalyan Matka | Fix game | Satta matka

kalyan matkà result today

Now Tuesday's close take us TK 200 with Tuesday take us close, Thursday close.  Totaling both becomes total.  And the family means size zero in India.  So now we get two digits five and zero, so you can see that the pair from close together got close to 200, got the pair with anger.  After that, the coaches under it again let us know the Thirty Five again. Above the same line, One Two Three now Tuesday, we have to take a close and along with Millionaire Guruvar, we have to take both the act and the family of the cut ie we have to take three.  So now we get two digits at three and three, travelers see everything, all the shopping related pass is two and the pair is close to the open.  After that, the people below him made sixteen ie 16 pairs under him, so what do we have to do, now we have to take a close on Tuesday with the same line three times Cooper One to Three with Millennium Guruvar.  

kalyan matkà result today 143

Totting both of them and taking us to the family of six i.e. cut, so we have got two domineering six and one or a picnic, all have passed the pair from the approach.  So guys now in the running ie i.e. Wednesday 28th, which points in the open point close to open, then we have to go to know that on the same day three weeks above the same trick one week and three now on Tuesday with us taking close on Thursday for me.  Total of both of the closes becomes total.  And the family of five, that is, we also cut new zero.  

kalyan result today

So now we get two digits five and zero or next to open to close these two marks can be passed 2 States will show the second list of the film, then it will be made and if you see your window from the beginning to the end, then the name  If the pair is able to win then it will be made in the video.  So friends, our second tricks are to confuse with the pair of weeping or se we have to go from the pair to Thor V Kopar i.e. Charvak Up One Two and Ye Three.  

satta matks matka kalyan result today

This four will now listen to us taking Thursday's open, Friends, now we have to take OP from Guruvar.  We have to take both the total hostage five and the family of the cut, to take both of the new Saturday's close together with Saturday's close.  

So now we get two digits, five and zero, so passengers can see the truth passing with close and then the pair passing with close.  After that, the pair below the third five again, the third five, then we have to go to the same line, four weeks above the same line i.e. one two three and this four.  

kalyan main matka result today

Now on Saturday, the fair took Saturday with us taking the shopping of Thursday Leni's Guruvar.  Saturday's close meet with Close.  We also did a total mortgage and the family ie cut to total both.  So now we met two Gangotri and one, you can see the Pasi linked to them, then the Pasi attached to them are made under him after that, so what Durga did under 16 of the Lioness Sixteen know what to confuse.  

satta matta matka kalyan result today

From the same line Eastern's ie Charlie Cooper One to Three and F Four, now Thursday's Saturday Close to meet us with OPD Lenny.  Totaling both becomes total.  We also have a new family of One and One.  So now we get two digits one and six so travelers can see the pair passing from 0 close but friends pass pair from open to close then after that, what ratio for the Wednesday, which is present on Wednesday, 28th day, we go to the college to know that  At the same time, Gauravi from the same trip i.e. Charmi Cooper One to Three and this four is now taking us on Thursday's appeal with the close of Millennia Saturday.  

We have to take the total and also the family cut.  So now we get two digits five and zero or zero plus can pass these two friends.  So let me show you one more trick, Ritu i.e. our third trick, then friends, do not avoid our third tricks by crying Yasin pair, let us know with the pair.  Khair Five Week is up above the fifth ie if one to three four and this five.  Now on Monday, we have to take close friends, on Monday we have to take close Leni together.  

satta matta matka kalyan today result

They met Tuesday's Close with Tuesday's Close.  Totaling both becomes total.  And we also have to take the family's cut.  So now we get two five and zero travelers can see.  Close pairing connected with close friends is close to pair then after that, below it become the third five again, the third five, then let us know the same up above i.e. fifth to one to three and four and these five now take us close on Monday.  is.  Tuesday's close totals become totals of both three and three cuts, neither did we act, so now we got two points. Freak shopping. 

matka finaĺ today kalyan

Passing related to shooting. Passing related to shooting.  After that her bottom pair became the bottom of So Latti, Sixteen So Let Us Know That Fifth Above That 1 2 3 4 And A 5 Now Monday's Taking Us Close 7 Million Tuesday Totals Both Both Total Six and Six Family Anicut.  We have also found new forests, now we have got a pair from Dabang Six and One or a Sato 0 close, but after getting it tied with open pieces, then after that, in the running below, what is the ratio of Wednesday for twenty-eight dates think Open Book College  In order to know this, we have to go to the same week for one to three four and one five.  Now Monday we have to take a close, Saturday's close story by meeting with Tuesday's close.  

Totaling of both becomes total and we have to take the family of three and three.  So we can still get passes in Dabangg Three and Ya but neither of these two marks can be passed in Open to Class, so I can show you the Fourth Trick, then we start our Fourth Trick or from the pair of Thirty Five.  We have to know what to do.  Seven We have to take Anjana retired Cooper One to Three Four Five Six and Ace Seven from the party's third pair.  We have to take Monday's open Monday and Monday's open seven week we have to go and pick up Monday's open.  Tuesday's OP.  

sattabatta matka kalyan result today

Total of both is to become total, also to add five and the family anicut of five.  Zero, now we get two points five and zero, UP can see two shows of pair passing from close to passing passing.  After that, the couples below him again, the pair under him again have to go to Thirty Five, we have to go through the same line Cooper One to Three Four X and S Seven Now Monday's take us open with Millennium Tuesday's Open Total both  Doing becomes a total.  And we did not have the family i.e. cut, so now we got two digits at and three.  

So you see open surgery Pasi shopping related Pasi after that.  The group of 16 sixties formed under him, the solace of the sixteen, the sola means that we have to go from the same line, we also have the Cooper one to three four five six seven, now we take the appeal of Monday and take us on Monday, we will meet together on Tuesday evening as well.  Doing becomes a total.  The family of One and One ie cut also take us six.  So now we get two digits, one or physics, so the ballot pair crosses 0.  Then in the running under him.  What proportion think for the 28th of Wednesday, in college, we have to go to the college to know the same, one to three four five six and SMS on the soldiers now.  

Monday's attack Monday of Opening Day, we have to meet with the opening.  Tuesday's open is to total both. Total becomes zero and family of zero i.e. we have to take the cut, now we get two digits zero and then these marks cannot be passed in zero.  Friends of you for Wednesday the 28th.  That is, if you have shown the fifth trick, then friends will be made in the video and if you like the video, then subscribe the video instead of like and 9 channels on this channel.  And if you keep this in other things too, then they too will have this video soon instead of more shares and this issue more and more viral, 

so friends, we are also going to give you the option to give strong theory and support also, then the video will be made  What do we have to do with the pair of our last tricks weeping or such that our corpse tricks begin?  Seven also Cooper from the pair of us sir.  One Two Three Four Fab Four S Six and S Semi on the common man from the pair of.  Now we have to take the Thursday shopping, we have to take the Thursday OP to meet with us, Friday's open to do both of the totals, we tied the whole family ie the cut is also new.  So now we got two digits five and zero, so you ran the passing ticket from Sattu Crore, then close centric passi then after that, pair under it again and again below it, we became third again.  From the same line, Cooper One to Three Four Five Six and Open to meet with both Friday's Open Total Totals Act and Key Family ie Cut also we have got new answers, now we have not met at or three or even a Satto Phd pass.  

kalyan night result today

Pasi from shopping.  Then he has a pair under him, so he gets to be in the bottom pair of Sixteen. Sebi co-ops Cooper One to Three Four Five Six and S. Grover's Take Us Lenny Open together. Friday's Open becomes the total to be both One and One's.  Family means to mix six episodes.  So now, do not get two forest and six to 0 linked to the two shows of the dice passing, then friends in the running, that is, in what ratio format for the 28th of Wednesday, then we have to go to the same day trick to save Cooper  One to three four five six and s cm.  Now.  We have to take Thursday's OPD.  Together, Friday's OPD becomes the total of both.  And we have to take the family unique cut, zero, so now we meet and we can pass it in your clauses, then this window is a more headache place and if you move the window, then the window is replaced and in this window.  

I hope you hurry, so let me tell you.  So 28 friends for date wednesday, five living for date wednesday.  Was and.  So friends, it is more and more strong because at the most you will replace more and more, that too on your own responsibility.  If you run the window, then only that place instead of play.  So friends, if you get involved in Chila, and if you are successful and knowledgeable too, then friends are going to remain strong for twenty-eight dates Wednesday.  Double five.  You like it better than Edward.  He will also walk on his responsibility and only then will the window be seen from the beginning to the end of the place of play and only then you will have the place of play.  The pair can be easy to play, the opening is easy to play and friends then all the strong ones who stay connected in support, the double five who stay connected.  Seven.  Threat to
